Create Career instead of only grabbing a Job”!

“Self-Analysis-To create Career instead of grabing a Job”


Writing an article good idea...

“Self-Analysis-To create career instead of grabbing a Job”

Friends it is little encouraging for me to write this article for all those aspirants who are associated with Skill Development Sector. Everyone is desiring his dream job by enrolling in skill development program sponsored by our government. This is platform to enhance skills based on classroom and on job training.

One should be focused enough while enrolling in this program and have a vision in terms of his career that he will be adding financial and overall support to his family.

In my opinion there should be a willingness of doing a Job whether they are enrolled in specific segment and getting Job in other one, depends on their learning, as here we are not only developing skills in domain specific training but also we are imparting soft skills, computer skills and English skills as well.

There should be a self-analysis, which can be done periodically, life-cycle of self-improvement is, may include:-

  • Identifying Area of Improvements – Listing the areas where improvement requires
  • Learning through available resources – utilizing the best available one
  • Analyze what we have learnt
  • Recall the areas where we have done improvements
  • Assign tasks in term of learning
  • Represent self in a team of learners
  • Take feedbacks from all of them
  • Note down the positive and area of improvements
  • Work on area of improvements
  • Re-Assign tasks to self – give timeline
  • Represent self in a team of learners
  • Take feedbacks from all of them
  • List down the improvements so far – add more areas of improvements

Few questions we need to prepare for our-self to be selected in the dream organization:-

  1. Do you know about the organization where you will be interviewed
  2. Do you know how many organizations are there where you can be an human asset
  3. How many organizations work culture you know-to fit yourself
  4. How many organizations profile you have gone through to know about the industry-at least prepare for 10 companies
  5. Which organization is best in the sector you would like to build your career
  6. What job you can do – designations you will be fit – how?
  7. What do you know about the Job – relate your skills and expertise with it in your introduction
  8. How you are the best out of the other aspirants interviewing today
  9. Why a company choose you as a new Joinee
  10. Where you will be in next 5 years and how

Many questions you can make your own, let yourself the interviewer and prepare a list of questions you would like to ask to interviewee.

Prepare your-self with-
  •  Self-confidence
  • Well motivated
  • Well groomed

 Be ready to join your future with an “Attitude”

What is an Attitude, in each second of life attitude works for our self. Be positive in every point of time of your life, learn and earn from your bad time and add it to your good time J


Have a great day..!

With best regards,

Lalit Dave


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